Silence Kills...

Silence Kills...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Valentine's Day 2009

(this note was written a long long time ago... during the time i have no one to celebrate this day)

"Malapit na ang Valentine's day... ang touchy na tanong sa mga single ay... DO YOU FEEL ANY PRESSURE RIGHT NOW??haha!"

This was the text message I received before Feb. 14. HILARIOUS and RIDICULOUS, but its quite true. Those single civilians... do they feel the pressure of overcoming heart's day without any special someone? Ask that question to me and I'll say YES! but not much. I still have special people around me so why feel the pressure...

February 14 came and i was so excited of the things that will and may happen. In the morning, i got the CHANCE TO DATE Cams and Joy. Where? At the National Library...haha. In the afternoon, i got the chance to TALK HEART TO HEART with God on the 12noon mass at the school's chapel. Then we went to Hospicio de San Jose to act as CUPIDS and shot arrows to the happy and young hearts of the orphanage by playing and entertaining them with a program we prepared. Lastly, we ended the day AS SWEET AS CHOCOLATE by watching the cheering competition of the SCUAA '09. PNU won again, no surprise.

I made my way home with a smile as GENTLE and as RED as ROSES. I was able to have that smile because I was able to accept my situation this Valentine's day. I dont have that special someone almost everybody has that day. But it was ok. Valentines's day is not only for those hearts who have found their matches but also for those hearts that are very HOPEFUL. Those who believe that they will soon find the one who will fill the emptiness they have. Valentine's day is for the heart who has CONTENTMENT and PEACE.

"LOve is in the air" as they may say but love will always be in the air as along as there is hope, contentment and peace. It s not about the dates, chocolates and red roses. It's not about how we show our love but also about how we accept and understand the current status of our hearts. It's not about having someone but about being that someone for somebody and for everybody.

*snap back to reality...

just shared this note to inspire others... and let me share also that i already found my heart again... thank you for reading...♥
found my heart again...♥

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